Chú thích Władysław_IV_Vasa

a ^ After some discussions early on, he chose the title of elected Grand Duke of Moscow (electus Magnus Dux Moscoviae) rather than that of a tsar.[35]

b ^ Władysław had no children with his second wife, and his first wife bore him only two children (Maria Anna Izabela and Zygmunt Kazimierz), both of them died in their youth. He had at least one known illegitimate son, Władysław Konstanty Vasa, but he played no significant role in the Polish politics.[36]

c ^ The confusion stems from an undisambiguated use of the Polish medical term kamica in the cited reference work (Czapliński 1976).[37] Czapliński also mentions that Władysław suffered from ill health throughout his life, related to obesity, rheumatismthận issues.[38] There were months-long periods, particularly in 1635 and 1639, when he could not walk.[38]